
An effective method that guarantees a product NOT ALTERED

The conservation of our bee venom is careful to ensure that the properties of this precious product are not altered, preserving it from humidity, air and sunlight.

... A treasure in our hives

A delicate product

The venom produced by bees is sensitive to both UV rays and oxygen. This means that the quality of the venom can be affected by the length of exposure to these elements. The shorter the exposure time to UV rays and oxygen, the higher its quality. As a result, it is recommended to protect the poison from prolonged exposure to air to maintain its potency. It is also important to note that after prolonged exposure, the color of the venom may darken. Therefore, care must be taken to ensure that the venom is properly stored after extraction and that it is protected from excessive exposure to light and air, to ensure its maximum quality and effectiveness.


How to store it

To ensure the maintenance and preservation of the properties of the poison, it is essential to strictly adhere to the program required for its storage and handling. It is important to note that the poison is highly sensitive to moisture, so it is necessary to store it in hermetically sealed containers that are resistant to light and moisture.
These precautions are vital to ensure that the venom retains all its therapeutic properties for as long as possible and is ready for medical use when needed.


Temperature between 25 and 30°C

Keepable for 3 weeks

Temperature at - 20°C

Keepable for at least 5 years